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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How Dell Outlet utilizes Social Conversations to generate revenue

How Dell Outlet utilizes Social Conversations to generate revenue http://ow.ly/1dTGE

How Dell Outlet utilizes Social Conversations to generate revenue

Yes, you’ve caught on by now that I’m using the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday’s as an opportunity to take a short break from being completely insightful and witty.  Hey, I still am, but I figured I’d give you a little longer break while I share some more interviews from the leaders in the social world.  I had the great pleasure of chatting with Stefanie Nelson who manages marketing communications for the US Dell Outlet.
Stefanie, thanks again for taking your time to share this information, it’s helpful and I know it will benefit everyone to learn more about how Dell is achieving results through social channels.
What is your role with Dell?I manage the marketing communications for the U.S. Dell Outlet, serving both business and consumer audiences.
How does social media fit in with your job?
For Dell Outlet, we are always looking for cost-effective vehicles with short lead times to help us communicate special offers. Social Media is a natural fit, as sites like Twitter and Facebook allow us to quickly post coupons and help sell excess inventory.
How do your customers react to you being social?
When we first started posting on Twitter as @DellOutlet in 2007, we intended to only post offers. We didn’t really understand the potential until customers started replying and asking questions. When we responded, the Twitter audience seemed very surprised and got really excited. It was clear that they really wanted to engage with us, and we were encouraged by the reaction, so we expanded our Dell Outlet social media objectives to include “improving customer experience”. We’ve been using Twitter to answer questions ever since. 
Do you use software, beyond Twitter, to monitor and engage on social channels?I’m currently using CoTweet to manage @DellOutlet conversations on Twitter, and Dell also partners with Radian 6 for more qualitative monitoring and analysis across the blogisphere. In addition, Dell tracks sales, when applicable, via proprietary tracking URLs.
What return on investment have you seen for Dell Outlet by investing in social channels?In addition to revenue (we announced in June that we surpassed $3 million from @DellOutlet Twitter links alone), we have also benefitted greatly from the increase in awareness. The press we’ve received has helped us put Dell Outlet on the radar of many potential customers that would not have otherwise know about us. While it’s not something we can replicate, I think it illustrates the importance of always looking for innovative ways to approach new media and new technologies. There are many opportunities to be “first” or “best” if you keep your eyes peeled. Combine that with a great Corporate Communications team, and enjoy the ride!
How many people are involved in social channels within Dell Outlet?Currently, I’m a one-woman show for the U.S. Dell Outlet social media, which I manage in addition to  other demand generation  activities including email marketing, search engine marketing, online advertising, and affiliate advertising. It’s manageable, but not sustainable, so we are implementing processes that incorporate help from other Dell teams to handle questions related to customer care and tech support. Finding the right people and the right tools is critical to the success of such processes. 
How do customers react as transition them from social channels to the in-person experience?In social media, it’s all about personal attention. The use of our “AtDell” Twitter handle naming convention (StefanieAtDell, LionelAtDell, RichardAtDell, etc.) helps to communicate that we are not a cold, impersonal corporate logo, but real people ready to answer questions and point you in the right direction. As a result, we are not necessarily transitioning customers from social channels, but are merely and extension of the entire in-person experience.
Any great stories from the real world to share?I knew I really had to behave when I logged on one day to read “God is now following you on Twitter”.  :-)
Stefanie, you had better be good with that kind of audience.
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5 Responses to “How Dell Outlet utilizes Social Conversations to generate revenue”

  1. Hambatan dalam memulai social media campaign by Dhe Blog Says:
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    [...] Dan @delloutlet menghasilkan USD 3,000,000 (itu artnya sekitar 30 miliar rupiah!), bukan jumlah yang kecil lho. Jika anda penasaran, silahkan berkunjung kesini [...]
  2. kevin Says:
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    thanks for share!
  3. How Dell Outlet utilizes Social Conversations to generate revenue … CXO ceo cfo cto coo cio Says:
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    [...] posted here: How Dell Outlet utilizes Social Conversations to generate revenue … By admin | category: cto | tags: cto, manian, moore, nyse, personal-branding, social, [...]
  4. uberVU - social comments Says:
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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by simpliflying: RT @JohnFMoore: My latest… How Dell uses #Social Conversations to Generate Revenue: http://bit.ly/7fn9uD (thx @StefanieAtDell) #cmo…
  5. Tweets that mention How Dell Outlet utilizes Social Conversations to generate revenue « Random Thoughts of a Boston-based CTO: John Moore’s Weblog -- Topsy.com Says:
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    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Shashank Nigam, John Moore. John Moore said: My latest… How Dell uses #Social Conversations to Generate Revenue: http://bit.ly/7fn9uD (thx @StefanieAtDell) #cmo [...]

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