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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Six Social Media Trends for 2010

RT @dsoler Muy interesante... lo recomiendo RT: @jzabalo: Six Social Media Trends For 2010. http://bit.ly/38JaGB

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


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Couldn't agree more on mobile. Still do not get why companies think in this day and age with mobile technology that they have any control over their employees' use of the Web and social media. If anything, hopefully we'll see companies move toward education and away from attempts to control.
In that vain, I hope the trend we see in 2010 is education and training overtaking fear and evangelism. Social media can have an extremely positive (or negative) effect on a company and personal brand. But what's frustrating is when people turn the other cheek because they don't understand it or simply promote it and tell those who aren't early adopters that they don't get it.
Education can help unveil the potential we avid users see in social media every day. People just have to be willing to learn and teach.
David Armano dijo...
Justin, I agree on the education point. BUT, organizations will have to value education, or perhaps even be willing to pay for it. As of the moment, many organizations want their employees to participate in social initiatives in addition to their current responsibilities without carving out time or resources. Also, with the nature of Web 2.0 coming off as "free"—the temptation exists to bypass strategy and go right to tactics because you can.
But it's a good point. "People have to be willing to teach and learn".
don dijo...
hey David, great work, thanks ... and originally in HBR's blog too! ( note : people, if you're reading this here, there's tons of comments over there ).
Great post - love looking into the crystal ball. Less of a cultural shift and more of a tactical reorientation, one thing I've come to expect in the coming year is a congruence of different networks. We've seen this take an early form in Seesmic and Tweetdeck, but is it too outlandish for us to expect Facebook to mesh with China's Qzone or Tencent. Perhaps 2010 is too soon for such a monumental mesh, but such would certainly be consistent with the trend we're seeing wherein folks are beginning to favor uniform a platform, a one-stop shop for all of their networks. It would also align with the increasing global scale of social media. Is it too out-there to expect collaboration on this scale in 2010?
Edward Boches dijo...
As always, smart assessment of what's to come. What stands out for me is companies banning social networks. That will probably change as more and more companies see the value in their employees participating. Interestingly, if employees and their loyalty and passion for their company is a firm's greatest asset, it's sheer idiocy to ban it. For what? Increased productivity? The result is the opposite. Though it is funny to imagine people huddling outside in the cold, on their mobile devices, getting a social fix. Can't wait for the image of that to show up on Flickr.
Laurentiu dijo...
a good article man. thanks for the tips.
Carl Phelps dijo...
Great points! Sort of along the lines of #3 and FourSquare, I think there is going to be some serious integration of Social Networks, Mobile, and Augmented Reality. I can see mobile augmented reality apps connecting with popular social networks so you can see pictures and comments from your friends about a particular place overlayed on reality through your phone. There could be some cool applications built on this!
Eric Swain dijo...
Maybe social is the "killer app" that will finally see mobile's next phase fully realised, the tipping point for the intersection of computing power, portability and ubiquity.
Thanks for these predictions. They look pretty sharp to me.
Wayne Sutton dijo...
I agree with most of your trends for 2010 David. Everything is going mobile and social media will become less social. Especially as we see more brands enter the space, "some" social media content will be considered noise and we'll see people finding better ways to filter information. Also I think we'll see more b2b and mainstream media use real-time data to provide value to their content.
Nigel Burke dijo...
It is interesting how companies are blocking social media sites yet some businesses are looking at social media as a marketing tool. I think most companies are totally confused about what to do at the moment.
I think the mobile devices are very interesting and it's something we're all going to have to update to. Companies cannot ignore mobile opportunities because their competitors will take advantage it.
Ike dijo...
You were right to include #6, because most sharing still takes place over email: http://tellafriend.socialtwist.com/sharing-trends-2009
Baron dijo...
I couldn't agree more on number 1. I think social media begins to look less social when 2010 comes. Even today, social sites is not only used for personal and social use, but also for business.
social media marketing
Richards123 dijo...
So many changes in 2010 for social media marketing, I'm just coming to know... read another article on this topic, that was also very informative... check it out yourself...
Logo Design dijo...
yup Baron is right, i do agree with Baron.

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